Thursday, December 31, 2009
Facts are Funny Things
He's quadrupled the deficit with his stimulus plan that is nothing more than a slush fund. During the campaign he said we would have five days to look at bills on line. He said no lobbyists would be allowed in his White House. He said congressional debates would be on C-Span. He said his administration would be transparent. He said if the stimulus bill was passed unemployment wouldn't go over 8%. I'm sure you remember it was passed without being read and unemployment is over 10%. He said he would close Gitmo. He didn't close it he's trying to move it to IL. He said he would go through spending bills line by line which was a lie. He said no more earmarks, but there have been over 13000 he has signed to date. He has wasted an entire year trying to pass a health care bill that no human being knows what is in it including Obama. He promised you liberals a public option and now he would settle for a pubic option. Even if this bill passes it is unconstitutional because the federal government can't force you to buy anything and they sure can't fine you if you don't. At first I was really angry at all of this, but I am finally beginning to enjoy this weak kneed joke of a one term president. This country is strong enough to stand one term. We made it through one term with Carter and he was worse. The next president in 2012 will be conservative as will congress and they can repeal what ever he does and restore our standing in the world. I think it is hilarious that John Dean and John McCain agree that the health care bill should be stopped in it's tracks. I wish I could say that I feel badly for you liberals, but the problem is I don't. Obama is a liar and you let your feelings buy into his lies instead of believing in the facts such as the people he surrounded himself with. They are some of the worst scum in this country and you thought he would be different. You lose.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Obama's Accomplishments Year 1
In his first year Obama has raised the taxes on cigarettes. He has gone around the world apologizing for the US. He has allowed the terrorist massacre at Fort Hood and the attempted massacre of the people on the flight from Nigeria. He has removed the words terrorist combatant from the federal language. He has taken over the auto and banking industries. He has propped up Fannie and Freddie with our tax dollars. He has allowed unemployment to go as high as 30 million+ people. He has signed the stimulus bill which has created no jobs, but a great slush fund for him. He has filled his cabinet with lobbyists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and sexual perverts. Would you trust his safe schools czar perverse fagot Kevin Jennings to baby sit your young son for a weekend? How do you feel about Van Jones an admitted communist, or Cass Sunstein who believes that animals should be able to sue humans or John Holdren a total nut job. He has spent the entire year trying to socialize our health system and bankrupt our country in the process. He has been in bed even before he was elected with SEIU, Acorn, and several other low life individuals and groups. Andy Stern president of SEIU might as well move into the white house as much time as he spends there. He has lied non-stop from the first day of his campaign and he will continue to lie until he is in the grave. He brought dead fish Rham Emanual and David Axlerod with him from Chicago and he has surrounded himself with the worst incompetent vermin he could find. I have spent a lot of time in Chicago and corruption is just the way of life there. In Chicago if you get stopped by a city cop and you get a ticket you are a moron. I have been stopped a few time and haven't found a cop yet that won't take a bribe.